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Delegate Statement

Hello, I'm Milad Soleimani, a passionate advocate for the Optimism ecosystem. With 2 years of experience in blockchain development, I've developed a strong understanding of the importance of decentralized governance and community involvement. I'm excited to contribute my skills and expertise to the Optimism community as a delegate.

A message to the community and ecosystem: As a delegate, I'm committed to actively engaging with the community, listening to diverse perspectives, and making informed decisions that benefit the ecosystem as a whole. I believe in the power of decentralized governance and am eager to work collaboratively with other delegates to drive growth, innovation, and adoption within the Optimism ecosystem.

Discourse username: OptimismMilad

Top Issues

Treasury management
Treasury management
I believe that effective treasury management is crucial for the long-term sustainability of the Optimism ecosystem. I support the development of a transparent and community-driven treasury management system that prioritizes responsible budgeting, risk management, and strategic investments. I think that a portion of the treasury should be allocated to support community-driven initiatives and public goods.
Grant funding
Grant funding
As a delegate, I believe that grant funding is an essential tool for supporting innovative projects and initiatives within the Optimism ecosystem. I support the development of a grant funding program that prioritizes projects that align with the community's values and goals, and that provides clear guidelines and evaluation criteria for applicants. I think that the grant funding program should also prioritize diversity and inclusivity, and provide opportunities for underrepresented groups to participate.
Public goods
Public goods
I believe that public goods are essential for the growth and adoption of the Optimism ecosystem, and that they should be prioritized in the treasury management and grant funding processes. I support the development of public goods that benefit the community as a whole, such as open-source software, educational resources, and community infrastructure. I think that the community should have a say in the development and prioritization of public goods, and that they should be designed to be accessible and beneficial to all members of the community.
AllowanceDelegated onFromTxn Hash
None found

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